Occasionally, we like to share with our readers some of the recent feedback we've received. Today we're taking time to do just that.
We enjoy hearing directly from our readers. Whether it's about what we are doing right or not so right, your input matters.
Below are some selected e-mails we've found in our official inbox (Dorchester.Times@gmail.com) throughout the past year. The actual names have not been published to protect readers' identities.
Short note to advise that I thoroughly enjoy receiving the "Dorchester Times"! The folks who put the news letter together should be congratulated on a job extremely well done! While the town is small, it is a nice laid back place to live. While I wouldn't want to see Dorchester explode in growth like Crete and it's problems, it would be nice if a few more stores would elect to move in to offer some needed amenities.
This is just a quick letter of gratitude to let the Times know how much some of us appreciate all the history stories you guys publish. A lot of this history is being lost as the older generation passes on. Keep up the good work.
The Dorchester Times should be ashamed of yourselves for constantly trying push paving [streets] in our town. You did it again with your recent survey. You must all be rich because most Dorchester residents couldn't afford the cost associated with new paved streets. Most of us can barely afford property taxes as they are now. Quit trying to stir the pot by being a paving pusher. If you don't like our town as it is is, there are several exits out of town and I'll be happy to show you the door!!!
One thing I like about your blog is that it shows some community initiative. While I don't always agree with the editorial content of some of your stories, I am glad you are stepping up and filling a void in our community, in this case the lack of a newspaper or other news source. We need others to do the same whether it is coaching kids, opening businesses, joining or running volunteer organizations, running for elected offices like town board or school board, or just looking out for the safety and well-being of their neighborhood.
When will you reveal the Times staff members? Will we ever know who is the "Village Dweller?" The world is dying to know. Lol!
isn't there a massage business opened at Dorchester?
ReplyDeleteNote to Unsigned - If the streets were paved there might be more people who decide to live in Dorchester and would pay property taxes for those streets. Have you looked at the notice with your tax statement and seen how little of the total actually goes to the Village of Dorchester anyway. Another thought, if they did pave those streets if you don't like our town as it could be, there are several exits out of town and I'll be happy to show you the door!!
ReplyDeleteI know Dorchester was awarded 250.000.00 for home improvements for low income. I had applied and never did hear a word. Please let us know the status of that money and where it went to.