Monday, March 30, 2009

Jr. High Presents 'Charlie And The Chocolate Factory' On March 31

The public is invited to attend the Dorchester Junior High School's theater production of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" tomorrow evening, March 31.

In addition to the play, high school and junior high drama and speech awards for the 2008-2009 school year will be presented at 7 p.m. in the school cafeteria. The play will begin in the new multi-purpose room/theater immediately following the award ceremony.

Admission price for the play is $3 for kindergarten students through adults.

The Times has learned that audience members will be treated to a new twist in the use of technology used to enhance the play's scenery. OompaLoompas (K-4 grade students) and Oompa Loompa helpers (5th grade ladies) will also be on hand to add to the entertainment.

Concessions will be offered during intermission. A donation can will be available for free-will donations, which will be used to purchase a permanent bracket for a projector to be used in future productions.


  1. Good luck future thespians!

  2. I saw the performance today and it is wonderful!!! Good job junior high, Mrs. Ridpath, Mrs. Lujtemeyer, and Adam!! It's worth the evening out.

  3. The cast and crew did a wonderful job with the Jr. High play. Thank you Mrs. Ridpath and Mrs. Lujtemeyer for all your hard work. The projections on the back wall were great. Everyone who was involved deserves a big round of applause.

  4. It was very cute. I hope that we will get a microphone set up. So that everyone could hear. It will come with time. Good Job Kids.


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