(The following minutes from the March 9 Dorchester Board of Education meeting appear as submitted to the Times by school administration staff.) President Brad Havlat called the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education of Saline County School District 76-0044, a.k.a. as Dorchester Public Schools, to order at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 09, 2009. All members were present along with Superintendent Brian Redinger, Principal Mitch Kubicek, Joyce Karl and Activities Director Scott Pohl. Motion by Boller, second by Bors to approve minutes of the February regular meeting with the following amendment: Motion by Hansen, second by Kahle to approve Mitch Kubicek’s 2009/2010 contract as Secondary Principal. Voting yes were Hansen, Kahle, Bors, Zoubek, Boller and Havlat. Motion passed 6-0. Members voting yes to the motion to approve the amended minutes were Boller, Bors, Hansen, Zoubek, Kahle and Havlat. Motion passed by a vote of 6-0.
There were no visitors present at this time.
After verification of publication of the meeting notice in The Crete News, local postings of the meeting notice (Dorchester Schools, Farmers Coop, First State Bank and the Village Office) and the advanced receipt of the meeting agenda and other meeting materials by individual board members, the President stipulated that meeting minutes should reflect that this meeting was held in compliance with the Neb. Open Meetings Law. It was also noted the Open Meeting Act Poster is posted in the boardroom. There was no request for a change of agenda.
The February Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. Motion by Kahle, second by Bors to approve the February Report. Voting yes were Kahle, Bors, Boller, Zoubek, Hansen and Havlat. Motion passed 6-0. Motion to approve the March 2009 general fund expenditures was made by Kahle, second by Zoubek. (A complete listing of expenditures is available in the School office.) Voting yes were Kahle, Zoubek, Bors, Kahle and Havlat. Hansen abstained. Motion passed 5-0.
Committee Reports:
Building/Grounds Committee
* The time capsule will be completed by the end of this month with a cost of approximately $200. A committee will be formed to help decide on the contents of the new capsule.
* The playground equipment will be installed in the upcoming months. The Board members are all involved in this project but volunteers willing to help are asked to call Bill Boller. It was noted that the equipment will be set up east of the Industrial Tech building allowing an area for expansion.
* Egan Supply Company will be redoing the finish on the gym floor this summer.
* New bleachers and flooring for the gym were discussed. Mr. Redinger shared the results of a NDE report that would allow the school to utilize IDEA funding to help with this project if it is pursued.
Wellness Committee
* The meeting will be scheduled for Tuesday, March 24. Members of this committee will consist of Board members, parents and students.
Americanism Committee
* It was reported that grades 4, 5 and 6 participated in the Legion/Auxiliary Americanism Poster Contest. Results were not known at this time.
Principal’s Report: Mr. Kubicek discussed 2008/2009 attendance for grades 7-12. Compared to last year, absences and excessive tardies have decreased. Discipline logs have decreased with original incidents declining by 50%. Staff development was discussed. Mr. Kubicek noted that the staff is working on improving feedback to students as well as assessments. Otter Creek’s “math facts in a flash” program will be implemented (school improvement initiative) in the upcoming month. The interviewing process has started for the Social Studies position. Mr. Kubicek was optimistic that a contract would be offered by the end of this week.
Superintendent’s Report: No legislative updates at this time. Mr. Redinger noted that the gym project had already been discussed. Negotiations are ready to begin on next years contracts as soon as BC/BS insurance and state aid information is received. There was no unfinished business.
New Business:
a) Motion by Hansen, second by Kahle to accept the resignation of Mr. Scott Leisy, K-12 Physical Education Teacher. All members voted aye.
b) Motion by Kahle, second by Boller to set long-term substitute teacher pay at 1/185th of base salary. Voting yes were Kahle, Boller, Zoubek, Bors and Hansen. Havlat abstained. Motion passed 5-0.
c) Motion by Bors, second by Zoubek to enter into a 5 year agreement with Pepsi of Lincoln. Voting yes were Bors, Zoubek, Boller, Kahle, Hansen and Havlat. Motion passed 6-0.
d) The following summer projects were discussed: The condition of the boys locker room was reviewed and it was decided that it was not a priority. Shop improvements were discussed along with the addition of an exhaust system and air purifiers. A roof/building inspection will be done before making any final decisions. New carpet will be installed in the guidance office, 7th and 8th grade classrooms, and further research will be done before recommendations are made concerning the acoustics in the band/music room. Further discussion will be held at the April meeting.
e) After discussion on the acquisition of a new school bus and/or school van, it was decided that any purchases would be pushed back until next year.
f) Motion by Zoubek, second by Hansen to declare that the Special Education Program of School District 76-0044 will remain closed to option enrollment students in the school year of 2009/2010. Voting yes were Zoubek, Hansen, Kahle, Boller, Hansen and Havlat. Motion passed 6-0.
The next regular monthly meeting of the Dorchester Board of Education will be Monday, April 13, at 8 p.m. Motion by Boller, second by Zoubek to adjourn at 9:20 p.m. All members voted aye.
(signed) Ron Kahle, Secretary of the Board of Education