We are told that the volleyball tourney would coincide with the DHS Alumni Basketball Tournament, slated for March 20, 21 and 22. The volleyball tourney would be held in the new practice gymnasium.
According to Michelle Eret, the volleyball tournament will be held only if there is sufficient interest.
Players interested in participating in the volleyball tournament next month should e-mail Michelle at mleret@yahoo.com as soon as possible. E-mails indicating interest will be accepted until next Friday, March 6. (As a reminder, DHS Activities Director Scott Pohl is requesting that alumni basketball team captains submit team information by March 6. For more information, call Pohl at 402-946-2781.)
Any idea if men can play? I dont see why not. Women are allowed to play in the basketball tourny I hear; so for men to play on a volleyball team shouldnt be a problem. There would be more teams this way too if men played.
ReplyDeleteWhat about spouses of guys playing in the bball tourney? You may see a lot of interest in that.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the first "anonymous", but I'm not a Dorchester Alumni so I usually try not to voice my opinions (at least not very loudly) on such things....but since he/she said it first....
ReplyDeleteI would also like to add another comment so that my previous one isn't taken the wrong way...
ReplyDeleteEven though I'm not a Dorchester Alumni, it's great to watch former classmates get together and have a fun time. I hope everyone who can participate in either sport, does so. I always look forward to watching.
I don't see why not. I guess if you want a vb tourney and can't get enough why wouldn't you let men play. Its all for fun anyways.
ReplyDeleteOh, paleeeease!
ReplyDeleteNo more females in the basketball tourney. It's bad enough I am expected to open doors for them. I don't want to have to be ever so careful on the basketball court just so a girl doesn't get hurt.
Interesting to see all of these comments. Why not when you have the alumni basketball tourney have women teams and men teams. You have two gyms now. Big difference in volleyball when you have a 6'3 guy playing against women who are under 6 foot. I am a Dorchester alumn and have played competive co-ed volleyball and you would have to raise up the net for the women's tourney if men played or someone could get hurt. If everyone is not in great shape and just out for a good time--that would make a big difference
ReplyDeleteAs for my first comment, (about letting men play in the alumni tournament, yes thats from me) -- Letting spouses play VB wouldnt be a half bad idea. It'd field teams and raise more money for the school/community. I've also heard of those schools allowing 2 non-alumni play on a basketball team for their tournament...which has its advantages and disadvantages.
ReplyDeleteLonghorn Stud Hoopster -- In response to your comment, you have to look at the teams of 2003 and 2001 in the basketball tournament. Both have a girl on the team and both are sucessful teams with numerous championships. Nobody ever said to let up on them because theyre a girl. Try and stop them. Then, on those teams you just have to stop Springer, Bergmyer, Weber, Havlat, Denker, Bleach, etc...Good luck with that! THEYRE AWESOME BABY WITH A CAPITAL A
Women are allowed to play in the basketball tournament because we played basketball in high school. Men weren't playing volleyball in high school last time I checked...and who said that you have to be careful with the girls that play? I've had my share of bruises from the tournament and have never complained.
ReplyDeleteWhat a pig-you probably can't stand to see the women out there because they are the ones schooling you. Get off of your pedestal.
ReplyDeleteAs a faithfull Alumni basketball tourney spectator for the past 10 years...I think that it is great that the girls are trying to get together for alumni volleyball. I don't see why not that there be men on teams but as long as they are Dorchester alumni. I also don't find it wrong that girls play at the alumni basketball tourney, they bring just as much competition as the guys.
ReplyDeleteWomen on the basketball court? Ha, ha, I laugh at that. Everyone in the stands does too. They can shoot once in a while but get rolled on defense. They just make the aesthetics a little better. (Most of you leaving comments before this will have to look that word up.)
ReplyDeleteLonghorn Stud I take your statement of not knowing what aesthetics very demeaning to anyone on this blog. I am an alumn of Dorchester with two degrees and that word is a piece of easy street vocabulary. Women have come a long way in sports to be thought of in that way.
ReplyDeleteOK....................... why do I get nominated as a annoying commentator and Longhorn boy doesn't?....................... The world aint fair I say ................................
ReplyDeleteWhatever Cynical. Fair game, I say. To the two-degree phenom, how 'bout we try the words "hubris" or "pompousness" or "pretentiousness"? All describe you and the girls who try to keep up with the guys on the court during alumni tournament weekend. I hope and pray I can clean up on the volleyball court too. Just don't make me pay anyone's medical bills.
ReplyDeleteStud Hoopster better come up with harder vocab words than that. A piece of cake. Get that dictionary out.
ReplyDeleteTo: Longhorn Stud Hoopster
ReplyDeleteWhy do you keep bringing up girls playing basketball in the tournament? You need to check the facts! Two of the best teams in the tournament have a girl on the roster! Theyre awesome baby! Check it out! 2001 and 2003. The stats dont lie. Theyre Prime Time Teams baby!
Ha! I am on one of those teams and I agree mine team is the best but that doesn't mean I like running over the girls on the court who get in my way. As for the genius us wants me to use bigger words, there's no way little oles me cans possible compete against such an intellectual giants. Alls I's got is my Dorchester diploma.
ReplyDeleteUh um... back to the original post.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if enough people are showing interest to hold the volleyball tournament?
Wow! And this is why when folks ask where I'm from, I'd rather not say! Comments from Low-Budget Longhorn NON-stud Hoopster simply solidify the embarrassment!!
ReplyDeleteNo further comments for this story will be posted unless directly related to the alumni volleyball tournament.
ReplyDeleteTo answer West siders question, we only have 3 teams interested so far. We need at least 2 more to have the tournament.
ReplyDeleteAnd to the "Longhorn Stud"...I highly doubt you are much of a stud...Get over yourself!!!
If you allow non-alum female spouses/significant others you should have enough ladies for a tourney. It works well at Meridian, NE Alumni weekend.
ReplyDeleteCommon Ladies! Fill the teams! Its March Madness at DHS baby! VB with the dipsy-doo-dunk-a-roo bball tourny! ITS AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteIn all honesty, it has the potential to be a really good weekend with a LOT of DHS Alum bag in Big 'Ol D
Any word on possibly letting non-alumni females playing? Or letting male alumni take part?
To Anonymous above,
ReplyDeleteThat would defeat the purpose of an ALUMNI TOURNAMENT. Yes if the spouse is alumni great they can play. Please get over the spouse playing if they are not alumni.
Too bad the Class of 95 can't get together again .... they would absolutely clean the clocks of any other volleyballers out there.
ReplyDeleteI thought the purpose of alumni tournaments was to get people back to town and to support the spirit of the school.
ReplyDeleteI guess your attitude toward spouses is why my wife never wants to attend.
My vote is to definitely let spouses play in the alumni volleyball tourney, esp. if there's a struggle to get numbers. It would add to the fun of the weekend, which is comparable to Wilber's Czech Days, but reserved for Longhorns.
ReplyDelete'Longhorn Stud Hoopster':
ReplyDeleteYour comment has been rejected.
Please see our comment policy regarding use of vulgar language and references to individuals.
If spouses play then they should change the name of the Alumni Volleyball Tournament.
ReplyDeleteTo Longhorn Stud Hoopster:
ReplyDeleteShame on you for your comment! In many schools, the girls' basketball teams do better than the boys. I would challenge the Dorchester girls to play the boys. Would be a very good game - girls may even come out on top!!
ReplyDeletePlease -- all further comments on this post should be germane to the alumni volleyball discussion.
Thank you.
Apparently moving the alumni volleyball tournament from Thanksgiving weekend wasn't a great move. There has never been discussion about spouses playing in past years. It can't really be considered an alumni tournament if non-alumni are allowed to play. That doesn't mean spouses aren't welcome to come enjoy the weekend. If the volleyball tournament is opened up, be prepared to open the basketball tournament to spouses of women who are Dorchester alumni.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it would be nice to see basketball opened up to women, but separate from the men's tournament.
YAYYYY!!!! for 03-05 YOU ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!