We have stumbled across these fun Dorchester-themed t-shirts. They are sure to put a smile on the face of any recipient.
How about a t-shirt that portrays a lovely female from the 1940s saying: "Oh, Bill -- I have a date. I'm dining in Dorchester."
We're sure that would get a few comments if you wore that to City Slickers for an evening on the town.
Or maybe you'd rather don a t-shirt that proclaims: "Smart boys live in Dorchester."
Then again, perhaps you just want to show your DHS pride and wear a shirt that announces you're a Longhorn fan. You can find many Dorchester Longhorn shirts by clicking here. (UPDATE: You can also get on the school website and click in the "My Locker" link at the top and order your Dorchester gear. You can pick you sport, color, relationship to your athlete (mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc.) and many other options. The proceeds help support the school.)
Be cool. Wear Dorchester apparel!
You can also get on the school web site and click in the My Locker link at the top and order your LONGHORN gear. You can pick you sport, color, relationship to your athlete (mom, dad, aunt, uncle, g-ma, g-pa etc) and many outher options. Plus the porceeds help support the school.