According to The Crete News, the east side of Crete, which is already home to a new, state-of-the-art Runza restaurant, will also soon see a new Union Bank building at the corner of Hwy. 33 and Grove Street.
Furthermore, the famous Dairy Queen barn and accompanying business has been sold to a Lincoln group, whose plan includes demolition of the old building and construction of a new restaurant.
The Crete News also reports that Crete's Economic Development Director Max Kathol has told the Crete City Council that the Nebraska State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) is considering Saline County for its annual county historic survey.
Kathol said the state office itself does one county-wide survey per year and Kathol did the legwork in starting the process for Saline County being considered for the state office survey.
The Times advocates Dorchester leaders, who have already partnered with the City of Crete for electrical service, working with Crete on its historical reservations for guidance and advice on work that could be done in our community.
Good to hear Crete is getting some updates!