Dozens of Grandparents Descend on DPS: Dozens of grandparents of Dorchester's kindergarten and first- through third-grade students took time to visit their favorite kiddos this week. According to school volunteer and town advocate Sharon Axline, the school celebrated Grandparents Day with cookie bars, juice and coffee prepared by DPS staff. Grandparents stopped by the classrooms and participated in reading books and taking part in word games.
Flu/COVID Shots for Students, Oct. 19: Public Health Solutions, the public health office that services Saline County, will be at Dorchester Public School Oct. 19, offering flu shots to DPS students with consent forms signed by parents or guardians. Updated COVID-19 boosters will also be offered. For questions, call 402-826-3880.
Flu Shots for Adults, Oct. 12: The Dorchester United Methodist Church will be hosting a flu shot clinic Wednesday, Oct. 12, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The cost for non-Medicare patients will be $37. This clinic is open to the public.
Adopt-a-Door Program is in Effect: Dorchester Public School is re-instituting its Adopt-a-Door initiative in which local businesses (or organizations) greet students on their Monday morning arrival to school. This Monday, Oct. 3, the Dorchester American Legion organizations will be the first sponsor of this year-long tradition. Call the school at 402.946.2781 if your business or organization would like to participate.
Early November is School Lunch Weeks: Parents and grandparents are invited to each lunch with their Dorchester students at the school the first two weeks of November. More information will be forthcoming as that time approaches.
Online Institutions Offering Higher Savings Rates: Times are tough when it comes to making your dollars grow or last longer -- even as artificially low interest rates fade away. At our local bank, a 22-month CD, with a minimum $10,000 deposit, still only earns you 2.25%. Not enough to keep pace with Uncle Joe Biden's 8.5% inflation. We encourage readers to check out online institutions for more competitive savings rates -- as high as 4.25%. Just make sure they're FDIC insured, of course.