Wednesday, October 13, 2021

OUR VIEW: Inflation Is Soaring! Thank Joe Biden and Jane Kleeb

Inflation is running hotter that it has in 30 years. While this is happening for many reasons -- federal money printing, government giveaways, lack of American workers, unprecedented supply shortages -- the most obvious factor is the price of energy.

Of course, this all started on Day 1 of the Biden administration, when the president declared war on U.S.-produced fossil fuels and rural economies that depend on energy production and transportation, like Dorchester's.

In the nine months since Old Joe first sat in his Oval Office recliner, gasoline prices here have spiked from $2.29 a gallon to around $3.10 today. And you haven't seen anything yet.

Never mind that Biden has had bigger issues to worry about -- problems like fighting COVID-19, fixing a broken southern border, not letting the Taliban regaining Afghanistan, curtailing China and North Korea and Iran, stopping cyberattacks on the nation's infrastructure. 

Forget that, he said. Let's screw up the one thing we have going for us right now: American energy independence.

The sad thing is, Joe Biden had help right here in Nebraska.

East Coast-transplant, far-left activist and lobbyist Jane Kleeb helped lead this charge to destroy American energy independence and U.S. jobs. (Yes, that's her full-time job -- and she's proud of it.) Despite the disaster she has helped create for Americans who need affordable energy, Kleeb is worshipped by the news media, even as she wears and uses fossil fuels every day and every hour. She's the essence of "American hypocrite."

Next time you're filling up -- trying to get to work or shuttle your family -- think about Joe Biden and Jane Kleeb. And be sure to mutter a few kind thoughts under your breath.

1 comment:

  1. ................ dumb ol' joe and commie harris ................ worthless as certain biological traits on my boars ................ good news is they are buying the cow chips in my pasture to power the future .................... now just need them to buy my cows farts .................... certainly more valuable than the hot air coming from the white house .......................


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