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NEWS ROUND-UP: Dorchester Voters OK 1.5% Sales Tax
Dorchester Voters OK Sales Tax: After years of talking about it -- including many Times editorials -- Dorchester voters have approved a 1.5% local sales tax, as allowed under state law. The aim of the village's new sales tax is to help reduce property taxes, pay for infrastructure (think streets), pay down debt, and help fund general operations. The ballot question passed on Tuesday, May 12, by a slim margin, 47 to 40. In our opinion, Dorchester has just approved a better future. (By the way, here's the list of Nebraska communities that already have a local sales tax in place.)
Jeana Scholz Completes Graduate Degree: Dorchester's Jeana Scholz is graduating Saturday, May 16, from Midland University with her master's degree in elementary education teaching and leadership. Caps off to Jeana!
Trump, Biden Win Easily in Nebraska's Primary Election: President Donald Trump scored an easy primary election victory in Nebraska this past Tuesday, receiving nearly 240,000 votes statewide. His Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, also won his Nebraska primary contest, collecting just over 119,000 votes. To see all Nebraska's primary election results, click here.
I hope nobody is counting on their property taxes going down based on this, because they won't be going down. From now on we'll just be paying this sales tax in addition to the property taxes.