Village Board Applicants Wanted: According to a public notice, the Dorchester Village Board is seeking individuals interested in serving on the board. This follows the resignation of former board chairman Matthew Hoffman. Interested parties should contact Village Hall by calling 402-946-3201.
DHS Wrestling Team Prepares for District Competition: We are told that the Dorchester High School wrestling team is getting ready for their end-of-season district competition to be held in Fremont at Midland University on Feb. 8-9. Good luck to the Longhorns!
Thanks from Dorchester Youth Wrestling Club: The Dorchester Youth Wrestling Club would like to thank the families, students, community members, as well as Dorchester Public School and their staff for their assistance with the club's recent wrestling tournament, held late last month. The club sends a special thanks to Orscheln’s and Casey’s for their generous donations. "We could not provide this opportunity for the kids without all of your help," club organizers said.
Alumni Basketball Dates Set for March 15-17: The Dorchester annual alumni basketball tourney is just around the corner. The tournament dates for this year are March 15-17. Teams should register soon, according to the school newsletter. Email or call 402-418-1019 for more information or registration.
Table Grace Cafe's Annual Fundraiser, March 8: On Friday, March 8, a fundraiser will be held for Table Grace Cafe in Omaha. Dorchester native and DHS graduate Matt Weber runs the cafe, which is a charity that fights hunger in the Omaha community while also providing music, fellowship and 10-day job training program. For more information or to buy tickets visit Contact person is Simone Weber at 917-992-8574 or via email at
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