Monday, November 30, 2015

Survey: Tell Us What Dorchester Needs Now

Attention all of you who care about Dorchester and its future.

A couple of loyal readers of the Dorchester Times blog have recently e-mailed us, requesting that we conduct survey of area residents to get their feedback when it comes to Dorchester's priorities.

We want to know what's on your mind when it comes to Dorchester's challenges and opportunities -- whether it's main street, housing or community engagement.

Take our new survey by going to

We will publish the results sometime in December.  

Stay tuned.


  1. The town has rules l so why do we still have semi setting on the east side of town. Many people complain about it but the city will not enforce the rules. So i think no one should have to follow any rules. It makes our town look like trucker trash. Do not tell me to clean up my place when others can not follow the rules.

  2. The truck sits on the wrong side of the street. You can not see any cars coming when your at the stop sign. This is an accident waiting to happen.

  3. To bad the legion hall could open up for a while, who knows how long the bar will be closed.


Village Dweller checks all reader comments to determine if they are appropriate for print.