Thursday, July 30, 2015
Steve Bledso, 56, Passes Away July 26
The Dorchester Times has learned that Steven C. Bledso, 56, of Dorchester, died earlier this week.
Bledso passed away Sunday, July 26.
A celebration of life service will be held tomorrow (Friday, July 31) evening at 6 p.m. at the Dorchester Community Building on main street.
No other details are available at this time.
Private condolences may be left by clicking here.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Web Search Reveals Many Dorchester Items For Sale

One of the novel items that caught our attention was a t-shirt that read, "It's a Dorchester thing." For $17.95, you can get this unique piece to show off your hometown pride and be the envy of our village.
We also found this impressive painted map of Dorchester as the community appeared in 1900.
We stumbled upon this photo of the members of the West Dorchester Church -- and this picture of the Dorchester Christian Church.
One of the more notable items our search uncovered was a neon sign honoring the service of the Dorchester Volunteer Fire Department. It's a remarkable piece.
Then there's this breathtaking 1909 souvenir plate given to the customers of Dorchester's Citizens State Bank more than a century ago.
If you know of other unique or rare Dorchester-related items for sale on the Internet or elsewhere, let us know in the comments section or e-mail us at
Monday, July 27, 2015
Applications Due For Building/Improvement Permits

And time is running short to apply for that permit.
The Dorchester Planning and Zoning Commission will meet this Wednesday evening, July 29.
That means anyone who wishes to conduct any building improvements, additions or replacements needs to have their building permit application turned in to the village clerk's office by end of business day on Wednesday.
For further information, call the village clerk's office.
Holy Craps! Dorchester's Tom Scheffert Makes National News

Reporting from Deadwood, South Dakota, the Associated Press reported last month that casinos were betting on the introduction of keno, craps and roulette in Deadwood to help reinvigorate the historic Black Hills town and level its odds against gambling hot spots across the country competing to attract players.
The AP story ran in newspapers across the country.
The AP was able to track down Dorchester's Tom Scheffert, who told the news agency he was planning a trip to Deadwood for the July 1 opening of craps. (Note: The Dorchester Times delayed running this story so the general public -- and potential thieves -- wouldn't know of Tom's absence from home during this time.)
Scheffert, 61, said he travels across the U.S. playing the game, which he likes for the excitement, the AP reports. He said he's been to Deadwood before and wished for craps.
"Every year we'll make a couple trips up there," Scheffert said, now that the games are opening. "Before, we were basically never going back."
Friday, July 24, 2015
Restoration Of 150-Year-Old Saline County Farmstead Begins
According to the story, the restoration is being overseen by owner Kay Kottas, her husband Joe, and cousin Floyd Zabel. The home has been in the family for 150 years.
When they almost lost this piece of history in a flood Kay knew something needed to be done. "We have to do it now, I've always wanted to do it but we came very close to losing it so i really wanted to get it done," said Kay Kottas.
According to Kay, the historical society is helping to find the original foundation of the house since it was moved at one point about 75 feet from its original location.
Kottas says they want to be able to share the history of this one-of-a-kind home with tourists so they can "experience exactly what it was like for the pioneers when they lived here."
"There is no plumbing, there is no electricity. It would just be a really good experience for folks to understand what it was like," said Kottas.
The restoration of the home will take place in four stages and Kottas can't wait to get the fundraising and renovations started. "It's tremendous, we've had a lot of interest already. I'm already finding we have relatives that I've never heard of before, it's great to hear from community members who think this is just a wonderful thing to do," said Kottas.
Floyd Zabel was raised on the farm and sold the farm to the Kottas'.
"When Kay came down, we jumped on the three-wheeler, went up to the pasture and looked at some of the native plants, her excitement grew about owning the farm and her excitement grew about preserving the pioneer history," said Floyd Zabel, previous owner.
Zabel says he can't wait to see Kay's vision plan out. Kottas says she can't wait to share this piece of family history with the community.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
ACTION ALERT: Dorchester Legion Needs Financial Help Today

Today, due to a financial crisis, the Dorchester Legion needs the help of community members, Dorchester natives and alumni, and friends and family.
If you can spare $10, $15 or $20 (or more) to help keep the Legion's doors open, we hope you will do so today.
Send your donations to:
Dorchester American Legion, Post 264
PO Box 197
Dorchester, NE 68343
Earlier this year, Dorchester Legion members held special meetings to decide the future of the Legion's club on Dorchester's main street. According to information provided, the Legion was nearly out of operating cash, which would mean it would have to abandon its clubhouse on Dorchester's main street.

However, we have learned that a July 4 gun auction and fundraiser -- despite donated auction services and a large number of guns and rifles on the bidding block -- failed to provide much revenue after advertising costs.
We hope the community and the Legion members will rally to find a way to keep Dorchester's Legion Post 264 an important part of Dorchester's main street and a central part of our village life.
Please consider sending a donation to the Dorchester Legion today.
Also, if you would like to volunteer your time or services for future Legion events, please let Legion leaders know, including Roger Wolfe (402-946-2461 or or Larry Kaspar (402-946-6711 or
Monday, July 20, 2015
Business Renovation Continues On West Side Of Main Street
For those who haven't noticed, there is plenty of exciting commercial work being done on the west side of Dorchester's main street.
The owners of City Slickers continue their work on a new grill and dining area, and plans remain in place for a bowling alley, we are told.
In the meantime, more renovation is occurring up the street on the facilities that will soon permanently house the forthcoming Dorchester Bakery. The new business will be housed in the former West Side Cafe building, as well as the attached building to the north.
The renovation details are developing for both businesses. If you know more information, please leave it in the "comments" section of this story.
The bakery's owner and operator Michelle Johnson was open on July 4 to much fanfare, and she is selling her baked goods at 709 Washington Ave. -- just south of the post office. Her hours coincide with the Dorchester's Farmers Market, held Fridays from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the Dorchester Methodist Church parking lot.
(Editor's Note: Michelle posted the ad above on her Facebook page. We thought we'd help her out by running it on the Times.)
For readers who may have missed our earlier reports, the Dorchester Bakery and the accompanying "Party Room" will be located in the building that was most recently the Dorchester Hardware Store and the additional space in Dorchester Grocery.
The business is awaiting its permanent move to this location as renovations and repairs are being completed.
In a 2010 Times survey, readers said that a "cafe with a bakery" was one of the most needed businesses in Dorchester. In fact, a cafe commanded the second highest number of votes, behind only a convenience store.
Dorchester Baseball Looks To Revive Older Boys' Team

Play ball! That includes you older kids, too.
It appears an effort is underway to bring back older boys' baseball to Dorchester for next baseball season.
This would be a 15 and under team.
The Dorchester Times has learned that the Dorchester Baseball/Softball Committee is inviting all Dorchester and surrounding community youth (15 years old and younger) to play for Dorchester's National League Baseball team.
According to our records, Dorchester has not fielded a National League team since 2010, when Dorchester won the SFS League championship.

Older records show that Dorchester was a dominant force in the SFS League's National League in the 1990s, '80s, '70s, '60s, and '50s -- the decade the league began.
There are many great opportunities to be had with the game of baseball -- one of which is creating lasting friendships.
If your child would like to be part of a National League Baseball team experience and learn the importance of team play, fundamentals of the game, and personal growth, then consider joining the Dorchester National League Baseball Team.
Organizers say they want to take steps now to ensure Dorchester has a National Team for 2016.
Those interested should contact Greg Tyser, Matthew Hoffman, or Stephanni Renn. Also, click here and fill out the form with your child's information.
We commend the parents of those who are being pro-active in this effort.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Considering Starting Your Own Business In Dorchester?

Dorchester and the surrounding area are home to dozens

Recently, we searched a number of Web sites and publications dedicated to entrepreneurs and the small businesses that serve as the backbone of the national economy. We found several common themes that need to be considered by those who are thinking of starting their own operation in a small town, as well as those who are already in business.
Here are some tips for entrepreneurial-minded readers who are contemplating starting a new business in Dorchester or other nearby small towns:
- Talk to others who have opened businesses recently. What challenges have they faced? What works and what does not? What appeals to community members and what does not?
- If nobody has opened a business for awhile, dig deeper. Maybe there is no market. Or maybe they're just waiting for you to arrive. Sometimes a new business can generate demand. It's a judgment call.
- Make a great first impression. Promotion isn't hard in a small town. Ten minutes after you've opened, everyone will know. Some towns resist doing business with newcomers. Others welcome new blood. Regardless, your first impression will linger a long time. And you'll have trouble recovering from a local opinion leader with a bad experience.
- Uncover the town's market and memory. Considering buying a business? Take time to discover the owner's reputation. When the local residents seem eager for a change of management, you'll need a new name and image. But if someone has just moved away and everyone misses them, a wonderful opportunity exists.
- Be sensitive to change and trends. In years gone by, coffee shops may have failed often. These days, they seem to be thriving.
- Search the fine print of local regulations. For example, any time you serve food or drink, you know you're facing permits. Find out what's involved locally.
- Prepare to do most of the work yourself. In a small town, you can have trouble finding good help. The local work ethic may surprise you -- in either direction.
- Know your community. Will your market come from second- and third-generation local residents? Or are you serving those who relocated recently?
- Build relationships. If you can attract a town leader, you'll draw a following. Conversely, if you inadvertently alienate a key player, you'll be miserable. And in a small town, business owners are expected to be super citizens. Choose alliances and sponsorships carefully. Prepare for all sorts of friendly requests to donate time, materials and money.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Dorchester's Berth Zak Passes At 94

A 1939 graduate, Dorchester High School, Bertha attended Business College, Omaha. She retired from Formfit-Rogers, Crete. She was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church and Altar Society, Friend, Saline County Historical Society and Museum, American Legion Auxiliary, both Dorchester, Saline County Democratic Women, ZCBJ (WFLA).
Survived by son, daughter-in-law, Edward and Carol Zak, Seward; six grandchildren, Ben Zak, Cowdrey, Colo., Dana Cotter, Valparaiso, Judi Schroeder, James J. Zak, all of Lincoln, Michael Zak, West Valley, Utah, Melissa Simmons, Crystal, Minn., 14 great-grandchildren, two great-great-grandchildren, two step-grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
Preceded in death by parents, husband James J, son, James E, daughter-in-law, Vicky, sisters, Blanche Rawe and Rose Marie Olson, special nephew, Martin Kamper.
Mass of Christian Burial, 10:30 a.m. Monday, June 20, St. Josephs Catholic Church, Friend, Fr. Lawrence Stoley. Rosary: 9:30 a.m. prior to the service at church. Interment, St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery.
Visitation: Sunday 1-8 p.m., with the family greeting relatives & friends 5-7 p.m., Lauber-Moore Funeral Home, Friend. Memorials: St. Joseph Altar Society or Saline County Historical Society, Dorchester. Condolences may be left at
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Is It Finally Time For A Blight Tax In Dorchester?

Here's a statistic village board members and other leaders in our community should note: nearly 13% of houses and apartments in Dorchester are unoccupied (vacancy rate). That's according to new information collected by Sterling's Best Places.
Nothing is harder on a town than vacant homes -- especially run-down, deteriorating vacant homes.
The village board has tried to make an example out of slum owners by bulldozing a vacant home on 9th Street, only to have the action stopped by a district judge. She said the owners were "working on the property." More than a year later, the garage collapsed with the weather and the empty home continues to fall apart. (Of course, her honor doesn't have to live next to the dilapidated property or worry about one of her kids get trapped under a falling garage wall.)
Perhaps its time for Plan B.
In 2009, this blog conducted an online poll in which nearly two-thirds of Times readers wanted the Dorchester Village Board to consider imposing a blight tax on neglected or abandoned properties in town. With more than 80 readers voting, 64% supported the blight tax concept. Another 14% said village board members should consider whether such a tax makes sense.
Blight tax revenue could be used to renovate Dorchester's main street, repair or pave streets, or enhance public spaces like the park.
Think it wouldn't work? The state of Georgia has experienced success with their statewide blight tax.
In Kennesaw, Ga., the city has imposed a tax penalty that is seven times the current property tax rate for property owners whose homes repeatedly violate city housing standards. This tax is levied only after repeated warnings and notices to address the problems.
We think it's worth considering in Dorchester.
In Kennesaw, Ga., the city has imposed a tax penalty that is seven times the current property tax rate for property owners whose homes repeatedly violate city housing standards. This tax is levied only after repeated warnings and notices to address the problems.
We think it's worth considering in Dorchester.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
UMC Women Set To Host Guest Salad Supper On July 22
The United Methodist Women invite all women of the community and surrounding area to attend their annual "Guest Salad Supper" on Wednesday, July 22, at 6:30 p.m. at the church.
Dorothy Applebee (the former "Organ Lady" from Lee's Chicken in Lincoln) will present a delightful musical program.
Please RSVP to Rhonda Schlick 946-2143 or by Monday, July 20, if you are able to attend.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Local Job Opportunity: Utilities Superintendent For Dorchester

This is a full-time position.
The village is accepting applications now. The person who is hired for this important job will oversee the village’s water and wastewater systems. Duties also include general maintenance of streets, equipment, minimal electrical and upkeep of village property.
The successful applicant must have or be able to obtain certification in both water and wastewater within one year of employment and possess a valid driver’s license.
Experience is a benefit, but the village will train the right applicant. Wage is commensurate with experience. Benefits include health, dental, as well as vision insurance -- and a retirement plan.
Applications are available at the village office at 701 Washington Ave., Mondays through Fridays, 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
For more information contact the Village at (402) 946-3201 or e-mail
The Times was not made aware of this job opening directly, but an advertisement was e-mailed to us by a loyal reader.
The Village of Dorchester is an equal opportunity employer.
Saline County Still Around 200% Of Average Year-To-Date Rainfall

Even with the scorching sun and little precipitation over the past 21 days, almost all of Saline County is currently as much as 200% above the year-to-date normal precipitation level, according to data collected by the National Weather Service.
The same holds true for much of Thayer, Lancaster, and Nuckolls counties -- the four most water logged counties in eastern Nebraska.
In fact, significant section of Thayer and Nuckolls counties have received up to 300% of normal precipitation amounts for the year, thus far.
The World-Herald recently reported that farmers such as Randy Vana of Wilber "might have felt a sense of déjà vu this spring as they planted their crops, only to have the seedlings flooded out by rain; then planted again, only to face more rain, more planting and still more rain."
On 85 of his acres, Vana said, “we gave up” after rain destroyed the third planting and he couldn’t reach that part of the field to try a fourth planting without crushing other young cornstalks.
Record rains this spring in parts of Nebraska mean some farmers were still planting the first few days of this month.
Natalie Umphlett, climatologist at the High Plains Regional Climate Center, said that in Crete, "we got nearly a year’s worth of precipitation in two months." She said the rest of the summer in Nebraska should be cooler and wetter than usual.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Fairbury Flag Maker Proves That Small Towns Can Bring New Jobs
After a few larger employers left town several years
ago, Fairbury, with just over 3,900 residents, fell on hard times, according to the story. But MSA Brand Products -- a producer of American flags -- is working to bring
manufacturing jobs back to the Jefferson County community. Not only is the company re-employing some of those who lost their jobs when previous businesses left town, MSA is also one of only a few U.S. companies that produce Old Glory.
A business manager for MSA Products says
"made-in-the-USA" American flags are difficult to find since many are
now produced in China, but she says the company is making big strides with increased
sales in retail stores and online. The company can also produce flags for cities, schools, organizations or any events. Not sure of what design you'd like? MSA has in-house graphic artists to develop a design for you at no extra charge. (Click here for MSA's website.)
This story is proof that the right business idea can get off the ground anywhere in rural Nebraska. Think of this flag business -- which only needs a few employees to make it viable -- in Dorchester.
To those Dorchester residents with dreams of owning their own small business, we encourage you to keep putting together your plan and draw inspiration from stories like this.
Click here to see the story on MSA Brand Products in Fairbury.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Dorchester's July 4 Celebration Draws Big Crowd
Pleasant weather in addition to added activities drew a large crowd to the village -- from the softball tourney at Nerud Field to the Sons of American Legion BBQ and Auxiliary/Jr. Auxiliary Pie and Ice Cream Social.
From the County Museum to the "Show and Shine" on Main Street.
From Bingo to the American Legion Gun/Rifle Auction (with services generously donated by Novak Auction Service.)
From the childrens' tractor pull to the parade.
And of course the spectacular fireworks show at Nerud Field.

Saturday, July 4, 2015
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! Dorchester's July 4 Schedule

Today, our country celebrates another anniversary of its break from the British Empire and the oppressive rule of King George III.
Lucky for us that Dorchester has one of the very best July 4th celebrations in southeast Nebraska.
It's an annual tradition that draws in folks from near and far, including friends and family and DHS alumni from across the country.
Below is the schedule of Dorchester's 2015 Independence Day celebration.
Residents and out-of-town visitors will find plenty of things to do in Dorchester, without the hurried crowds of Seward or Lincoln.
Of course, the highlight of the day comes after dark with the famous fireworks show, which has been pleasing crowds for more than two decades.
Dorchester's 4th of July Celebration
2015 Schedule of Events
All Day .................. Co-ed Softball Tourney (Nerud Field. Call Jared Jensen at 402.641.1154)All Day .................. Food and drinks at City Slickers. Desserts and fun foods at the Dorchester Bakery.
11 a.m.- 7 p.m. ....... Sons of American Legion BBQ (Legion Building)
11 a.m. ................... Auxiliary/Jr. Auxiliary Pie and Ice Cream Social/Raffle (Legion)
1-5 p.m. ................. Visit the Saline County Museum (Open to public. At 2 p.m., there will be a special "Czech Program" by Sue Placek.)
1 p.m. .................... "Show and Shine" on Main Street. (Autos, motorcycles, tractors of any year. Line up south of Tyser's Repair. T-shirts for participants. Call Matt Smith at 402.826.9303 for more information.)2 p.m. ..................... Bingo (Community Building)
3 p.m. ..................... American Legion Gun/Outdoors Gear Auction (Fire Hall. A preview of the auction items will begin at 2 p.m. Call Darryl Novak for more information or to list consignment items. Click here for sale bill.)
4 p.m. ..................... Kiddy Tractor Pull. South of City Slickers. (Sponsored by Farmers Co-Op. Registration begins at 3:30 p.m. Participants must register.)7 p.m. ..................... Parade (Line-up begins at 6:30 at Co-Op parking lot near elevator. Bring a description of your entry. For more, e-mail p.m. ................... Fireworks at Nerud Field. (Alternate date is July 5 in case of inclement weather.)
Firework sales are taking place south of the Dorchester Fire Hall, 5 p.m. until 10 p.m. All proceeds go to support the Dorchester fireworks show on July 4.
Also, $1 Husker football raffle tickets are being sold at the fireworks stand south of the fire hall, as well as the Legion Hall. The tickets were donated by First State Bank - Dorchester Branch. Winner will be announced July 4 at 10 p.m. at Nerud Field. Need not be present to win.
Dorchester's 4th of July celebration depends on private support. Dorchester area residents and friends of Dorchester are encouraged to send their donations to:
Also, $1 Husker football raffle tickets are being sold at the fireworks stand south of the fire hall, as well as the Legion Hall. The tickets were donated by First State Bank - Dorchester Branch. Winner will be announced July 4 at 10 p.m. at Nerud Field. Need not be present to win.
Dorchester's 4th of July celebration depends on private support. Dorchester area residents and friends of Dorchester are encouraged to send their donations to:
First State Bank
4th of July Celebration
P.O. Box 264
Dorchester, NE 68343
4th of July Celebration
P.O. Box 264
Dorchester, NE 68343
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Allen Krivohlavek Passes At 75

Allen was actively involved in swine production his entire life. From youth throughout the end of his life, he was a member of 4-H, judged many hog and cattle livestock shows, a member of Crete Saddle Club, Nebraska Pork Producers, State Fair Swine Superintendent, Farmer’s Co-op Board, UNL Presidential Advisory Council, Pork All American, active in Senek Swine Test Station, Honorary Member of East Butler FFA and Nebraska Simmental Association.
He married Sheila Parks on February 17, 1961 and they had three children.
Survivors include wife Sheila, daughter Robbin, Brandon Koll, son Jeff and Judy Krivohlavek, daughter Kelly and Chad Krapp, grandchildren Tyler and Kylie, sister Janice Crofton, many nieces and nephews.
Preceded in death by his parents and grandson, Kody.
A celebration of life will be held at 1:30 p.m. this Thursday, July 2, at Kuncl Funeral Home in Crete, Nebraska. Memorials to the family.
To send your private condolences, click here.
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