This is a full-time position.
The village is accepting applications now. The person who is hired for this important job will oversee the village’s water and wastewater systems. Duties also include general maintenance of streets, equipment, minimal electrical and upkeep of village property.
The successful applicant must have or be able to obtain certification in both water and wastewater within one year of employment and possess a valid driver’s license.
Experience is a benefit, but the village will train the right applicant. Wage is commensurate with experience. Benefits include health, dental, as well as vision insurance -- and a retirement plan.
Applications are available at the village office at 701 Washington Ave., Mondays through Fridays, 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
For more information contact the Village at (402) 946-3201 or e-mail dorchester@diodecom.net.
The Times was not made aware of this job opening directly, but an advertisement was e-mailed to us by a loyal reader.
The Village of Dorchester is an equal opportunity employer.
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