Today, we run one of our most unusual but morbidly fascinating stories.
New data from the U.S. Census bureau show if your family name is Novak, Duchek or Parks -- and you live in the Dorchester area -- odds are good you will outlive your peers with common family names.
The data, compiled by the website, show that among the most common names of deceased individuals who lived in Dorchester, those with the last name of Novak lived to an average age of 89.4 years. Not too far behind were those with the last name of Duchek, living to an average age of 88.2. Those named Parks came in third in Dorchester's longevity race, passing at an average age of 87.7.
Among the most common names of deceased individuals who had resided in Dorchester, those named Sehnert were at the bottom of the top ten list, living to an average of 73.7 years (which still beats the U.S. average). Those named Stehlik came in at No. 9, living to an average of 76.1, while Bruhas came in at No. 8, living to an average age of 78.4.
Other common names appearing on Dorchester's deceased list include Nerud (average age of death at 84.9), Mariska (80.2 years), Weber (84.8 years), and Krivohlavek (83.7 years).
One final note: If your name is on the list, don't blame us -- we're just the messenger.
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