Monday, December 3, 2012

LOOKING BACK: The Earliest Comments On Our Blog

Five and a half years ago this month, we unveiled the Dorchester Times. You know what they say: Time does fly.

We have enjoyed bringing you the latest from our town, Dorchester. And we look forward to posting many more stories in the months and years ahead. But even more, we look forward to hearing from you. After all, the success of this publication will be determined by our readers. (You can always leave a message by just clicking on the “comments” link after each story. Readers are still encouraged to use a user name instead of signing with “anonymous.”)

For those of you who may have not been readers in our early days, we looked back at some of the more notable comments left by readers in that first month of publication. Some comments made us laugh, others made us cry, and still others made us red in the face.  But we published them all and tried to keep our opinion out of the mix.  Years later, you will see some of the issues were addressed; others are still a focal point of our community discussions.

As you read them, ask yourself: Have my opinions changed? Have I become more informed? Have I done anything to remedy a bad situation? Or am I still just leaving gripes online and with my little circle of friends?

Without further adieu, here are some of the more memorable reader comments from this blog's first month, May 2007:

On Dorchester and the Dorchester Times Blog…

"This is a great start to promote a nice community. Dorchester is almost like 'Cheers', in that 'everyone knows your name' (if you grew up there)."

"Dorchester is the bomb digitity…"

On Downtown Dorchester…


"The grocery is a must have for every community. Thank you for keeping the store open."

"I would be ashamed to send friends to our downtown area in the shape it is in. Look how many people come to our July 4th celebration; it is just as good if not better than most community events around here. However, what does the appearance of the buildings say about us?"

On Proposed Improvements…

"We certainly could make a long list of improvements that need to be made. At the top of the list should be those that will attract younger families and secure a future for Dorchester."

“The new sign (town marquee) is a great improvement over the last one. In fact, in my lifetime, I would say that the sign is the biggest improvement in town.”

"Improvements are NICE but where will the money come from?"

"If a swimming pool is needed, dig a big hole in someone's front yard."

On Paved Streets…

“If you had a curb on the streets, people would be less likely to drive onto their lawn so they could stagger three less steps into their front door.”"Do I remember the picketers? NO! However, I do remember today, driving down muddy streets, dodging mud holes. I do remember never being able to open a window in my house because the dust from the gravel streets gets everywhere."

“I hope our leadership has realized that pavement is not a flash in the pan idea, just look and ANY of our neighboring communities.”

"Come on people, we had more growth back in the days, and they didn’t have paved streets. Paving is not going to bring new growth. Fix downtown and talk about streets later."

"Do I dare to ask what we accomplished by not paving? We kept our community stagnate..... No incentive for commercial or residential development. …The cost to our community has been greater by not paving."

On Dorchester Public School…

"Consolidate with Friend? And inherit their $500,000 debt? Not in this lifetime."

"Build the new school and watch a rebirth of the town's pride."

"I have strong feelings...we don't need a new school...we need to take care of the one we have."

"Without the Dorchester school system, the community will fall apart. Families will leave and the town will probably become very poor."

"The future of District #44 depends on planning for the future, growing not just surviving."

General Comments…

"Our appearance needs to be as great as the people in Dorchester. Let's work on an environment that will allow us to keep our young people and possibly invite ones that have left back."

"Sticks in the mud make lousy pathways to the future."

"Time for leadership in the Village, not just nay saying!"

"Small town life is like wearing a dirty diaper: You can sit in your own stink and blame others or you can get up and change yourself."

And finally, our favorite comment came from 'Crete Guy' on the first story we ever posted…

“I didn't know there was enough news to report in Dorchester.”

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahaahah!

    Some real characters leave comments on this blog.


Village Dweller checks all reader comments to determine if they are appropriate for print.