For years -- beginning back in 2007 -- the Times has showcased reports from other websites that claim Dorchester is home to haunted places. We have always been skeptical, but since Halloween is here, here is an update on the latest reports about Dorchester's spooky spots.
Dorchester School Boiler Room: Without a doubt, we can confirm that the boiler room of the 1927 Dorchester School building is no longer haunted, if it ever was. The old school building was razed in mid-2008 to make room for the current DPS campus. But when it existed, there were reports that in the late 1920s, a child "locked himself in the boiler room and died." According to several websites, school janitors in the modern era sometimes heard yells coming from the boiler room during the night -- and "when they went down into the boiler room, they didn't find anyone."

Gilbert's Graveyard: The most famous of the Dorchester areas "haunted places," Gilbert's Graveyard continues to draw attention from inside and outside Saline County. One of the latest reports on the old cemetery comes from a website called "Hauntings," which features a "pre-haunt interview with the locals" in Dorchester. The site recounts some of the history behind Gilbert's Graveyard and its namesake, using historical accounts published by the Dorchester Times and the 1981 Dorchester Centennial book. As Hauntings reports, "a number of strange events have been reported here. Among them, strange noises and the movement of tombstones. ... Sadly, this location has been host to vandalism and disrespect for the dead. If you plan to visit this location, think on how you would want your remains and the stone markers of your final resting place treated."

Second Floor Above the Village Office: According to GhostsOfAmerica.com, "there have been many reports of figures or shapes moving around in the second floor of the village office building." The website claims to have a picture of the ghostly figure taken with a cell phone in 2009.