Thursday, August 15, 2024

$10K In Funds For New DHS Shot Clocks

It's the final countdown as the shot clocks go up this season in Nebraska Class D high school basketball.

And thanks to donations from the Dorchester Community Foundation Fund, Nebraska Community Foundation, and Farmers Co-op, there's funding to pay for those clocks.

The three entities raised a combined $10,000, according to social media.

While the clocks are supposed to speed up the game and put an end to the type of stall tactics that took down the best-ever Dorchester High School basketball team in 1987, there are concerns about their availability and costs -- especially at a time local school boards and officials are under the gun for spending. 

Also, finding a dedicated person to operate the clock could be a challenge at small schools. 

The estimated costs of the clocks run between $3,500 and $7,100, plus installation costs.

Like them or not, the shot clocks are coming. Get ready for the biggest change to high school basketball since the implementation of the three-point line in the late 1980s.

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