Monday, February 24, 2025

Chance To Buy Properties Behind In Property Taxes; Feb. 27 Deadline

It's that time of year when state and county governments are publishing the names of those who haven't paid their property taxes, including seven in the Dorchester precinct alone. See this list.

Across Saline County's 16 precincts, there are hundreds of thousands of dollars due in late property tax payments.

Failure to pay property taxes subjects owners to a penalty of 14% interest per year. Delinquent taxpayers also risk losing their properties when the county conducts a public sale for tax liens. Eventually the county attorney will be ordered to foreclose on all properties with delinquent taxes. Then the property will be sold at auction.

In early February, the Saline County treasurer will publish a list of lands and lots in Saline County that are far behind on their taxes, delinquent for tax year 2023 and prior years. On the Monday, March 3, these properties will be offered at public sale on the first floor of the Saline County Courthouse starting at 9:30 a.m. and continuing daily until all taxes on these lands and lots have been offered for sale. 

Watch this county web page for more details.

To locate delinquent properties based on lot numbers, use this tool.

Keep in mind that delinquent taxpayers will still have the chance to reclaim their property. Under Nebraska law, property owners can "redeem" their property even after the county tax sale. If the current owner doesn’t redeem the property, however, the winning bidder at a tax sale can eventually get ownership.

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