Tuesday, January 12, 2021

OUR VIEW: To The Politically Marginalized, Empower Yourself

Next week will mark the end of the turbulent Trump presidency. No need to relive the controversy or political division of the last few months, past four years, or past decade (including the divisive Obama or George W. Bush years). What good would that do? 

Our first priority as a nation should be to heal. But a lot of Americans (including many of our "leaders") have decided hating their nation and other Americans is completely acceptable. Now censorship, "fact checks," social media suppression, job terminations, and other actions are being employed to minimalize the voices of a very large percentage of Americans, primarily conservatives and Republicans.

These tactics will certainly derail any effort at healing.

Fortunately, small towns and rural areas have become "freedom centers" in the midst of a world gone nuts. And that's a good thing because we are firm believers in the First Amendment; we value civil, truthful and substantive political discourse. 

It's also why we are extremely troubled by the authoritarian moves by big tech, social media, national news outlets, entertainment media, politicians, and others to squelch free expression and the exchange of ideas. It's anti-American and will ultimately fail. 

But these tactics reminiscent of 1930s Germany or Stalin's Soviet Union could also lead to permanent division. 

To help conservative, traditional readers empower themselves and their loved ones, here are some key steps they can take:

1.) End your subscriptions to cable TV and statewide/national publications. The mainstream national news media -- and certain publications in our state -- thrive on division. They fuel it. Their business model depends on it. They also deliver propaganda for those with whom they share ideologies. Every time you pay your cable or Dish bill, or subscribe to certain large publications (including those in Lincoln and Omaha), you're funding the newsrooms and their corporate owners who have shown contempt for America and its traditions, mocked your views, called you names, and laughed at your concerns. Send a message with your wallet. Go a step further and inform advertisers why you oppose their support of slanted and dishonest news organizations. Instead of financially supporting those who work against your interests and values, stream your favorite networks on programs online (sometimes for free), listen to news/talk radio (always free), and support local journalism that sticks to the facts without a political agenda. You'll save money and get smarter in the process. 

2.) Choose carefully the businesses, non-profits and charities that you support. Even in a time of government giveaways that are weakening the dollar, the dollar remains valuable (for the time being). When selecting which businesses, non-profits, and other entities you give money to, remember how you have been treated. Why continue to support businesses and organizations that have been in your face with their politics? Support local, non-political entities. Seek ways to stop/limit financial support of politically motivated mega-businesses like Amazon (drop your Prime subscription), Apple, Google, Facebook (remove credit card accounts and personal information), Twitter, as well as corporations that have been social and political agitators. Help rein in their control.

3.) Send your child to a trade school, not elitist institutions: Whether or not Joe Biden waves his magic wand and forgives federally guaranteed student loans -- which would cost taxpayers dearly while letting "big education" off the hook -- the world is hurting for people with real-life, hands-on skills. Why go ten of thousands of dollars into debt for a job in retail or data entry behind a screen? Moreover, why fund the indoctrination of young minds, as is occurring on most campuses today? Instead of sentencing your child to a life of debt for a no-skill education, encourage your child to learn a trade by attending community college (at least prior to getting another degree). Community college tuition is only a fraction of the price of a state-funded four-year school (always avoid overpriced private schools). Keep in mind that those with an associates degree now out-earn many with four-year degrees; they're also more likely to own their own businesses. (While you're at it, tell your state senator to reduce funding for the university and four-year colleges. Again, if there's going to be forgiveness of college loans, there needs to be accountability.)

4.) Give more to your church. Judeo-Christian values remain the bedrock of America's rule of law and the guiding principle for its founding. Most churches have stayed out of the modern political fray and remained focused on their higher calling. Support their mission and their role in our national community with your dollars.

5.) Take control of your personal economy. Get rid of all personal debt by paying it off today and resist returning to your corporate slave masters. Avoid paying any taxes you don't need to by working with a CPA. Diversify beyond the federal government's dollar by holding real assets that will be safer in the long run than paper or digital wealth. Be your own financial advisor.

6.) Reconsider who is in your will and estate plans. Sadly, political ideologies have turned family members against one another in too many cases. While there have always been disagreements within families, the politics-as-a-religion mentality (fueled by news media, social media, and what is being taught in classrooms) has led to utter contempt and disdain in some family circles. If your adult child has repeatedly disrespected your views and/or confronted you in a hostile manner -- or has gone so far as to stop visiting or disallowing grandchildren to visit -- due to political differences, you may want to redraw your will. Leaving money to a charity or other non-profit will be more appreciated, and your memory will certainly be respected. Best of all, you'll help more deserving individuals. Also, stop financially supporting your adult children and take care of your own well-being. (Do this regardless of your politics.)

7.) Advocate for election reform at the state level. Election periods should be shortened. Voter ID should be mandatory. In-person voting must be the normal. If you can go to WalMart or the grocery store during a pandemic, you can vote in person.

8.) Run for office (or encourage those with similar values to do so). It's great if you respectfully engage with local, state and federal lawmakers. But now you should take things to the next level. Run for office yourself -- especially local offices to ensure schools are teaching property and government is spending responsibly. If you can't bring yourself to run for public office, at least encourage like-minded folks to do so. Lend them your financial support and donate your time to help get them elected.

Now print or email this list. Share it with others. And feel free to add your own ideas in the comments section of this post.


  1. Talk to your kids about what is going on. Share with them the story of the Declaration of Independence and the purpose of the Constitution.

  2. .......... make your woke city cousin grow her own food ....................................

  3. A serious recommendation here: Put Ex-Lax in Joe's chocolate pudding every day. Put even more Ex-Lax in Kommie Harris' daily brownies.

  4. join the walkaway movement, walk away from the brainwashed who argue and troll, walk away from the brain washed who silence their critics, walk away from the corporatists who oppose liberty and freedom, walk away from the overpaid govt and university types who work to oppose middle america

  5. Marxism, totalitarianism, fascism, these are all as scary as the "racism" oft repeated by the news media. Hold reporters and news organizations accountable for what they're reporting. My recommendation is that NORMAL everyday Americans need to go into the news business, not brainwashed social justice, change-the-world types.


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