Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Dorchester Native Dan Stehlik Named Top Educator In Post-Secondary Ag Tech

We've reported on the accomplishments of Dorchester native and DHS alumnus Dan Stehlik before.

For the past few years, Stehlik has played a key role in educating young people at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis, Neb., where technical agricultural skills are taught. At NCTA, Stehlik is a senior agricultural mechanics instructor, which includes welding, electricity, irrigation technology, farm machinery maintenance, and small engines courses. Prior to his time in Curtis, he taught ag education for 19 years in Kansas high schools. 

Now Stehlik has been named a top educator in post-secondary education for his expertise in the classroom and laboratory at Curtis, according to NU.

The Nebraska Agricultural Education Association recognized Stehlik for NCTA’s outstanding post-secondary program.

According to the NCTA, "Dan has done an amazing job building our agriculture mechanics program, which includes welding, irrigation technology, small engines and agriculture safety courses. He knows NCTA quite well, having graduated in 1975 with an associate degree in production agriculture. Dan farmed for a few years at his hometown near Dorchester, then returned to a college campus to become an agriculture teacher. In 1986, he received a bachelor’s degree in dual programs of agriculture education and general agriculture."

NCTA will celebrate Dan’s award when he officially receives the plaque and banner which accompanies the annual award.

The Times congratulates Dan on this award. We encourage any young people in Dorchester who want to pursue a career in technical agriculture to connect with this fellow Longhorn.


  1. You should do one of these articles on Jon Cerny.
    His accomplishments warrant it.

  2. I've been gone from Nebraska since 1951 but it is great to hear about my second cousin in Dorchester.
    Dan's father was a good friend of mine! Congratulations to you Dan!
    Norm Vlcek


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