Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Tom & Jerry Party Set For Dec. 31 At Fire Hall

Looking for something to do on New Year's Eve morning and early afternoon?

Dorchester has several options.  One of them will be at the Dorchester Fire Hall.

Consider joining your friends at the Dorchester Fire Hall for Tom and Jerry's this Sunday, Dec. 31, when the members of the Dorchester Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting a Tom and Jerry party.

The event will kick off at 9 a.m. and continue until around 1 p.m. 

According to our in-depth and extensive research, the Tom and Jerry -- now known as a traditional Christmas time cocktail -- was devised by sports writer Pierce Egan in the 1820's. The eggnog-brandy-rum drink is a reference in Egan's book "Life in London." 

To publicize the book, Egan introduced a variation of eggnog by adding ½ fl. oz. of brandy, calling it a "Tom and Jerry."  

The additional fortification helped popularize the drink.

To try Tom and Jerry's at your home this holiday season, here is our recipe:


Boiling water
1 tbsp Tom And Jerry Batter*
1 oz Cognac
1 oz Dark rum
Whole milk, hot

Garnish: Nutmeg, clove and allspice
Glass: Coffee mug or Tom and Jerry cup


*Tom And Jerry Batter

12 Eggs, separated
1 tsp Cream of tartar
2 lb Sugar
2 oz Dark Jamaican-style rum
1 tsp Vanilla extract (optional)
In a nonreactive bowl, whip the egg whites with the cream of tartar until they form stiff peaks.  In a separate bowl, beat the yolks with the sugar, rum and vanilla (if using). When the mixture is completely liquid, fold it into the whites.


How to make the Tom And Jerry Cocktail

Rinse a small coffee mug (or, indeed, a white ceramic Tom & Jerry cup) with boiling water to warm it and discard the water. Add the batter, cognac and rum to the cup and fill with hot milk. Garnish with a mixture of 2 parts freshly grated nutmeg to 1 part each ground clove and ground all spice.

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