The Dorchester Times is the place to look.
We want to help current and potential future residents find a career that allows them to help Dorchester grow and prosper.
The Times has scoured all our sources to ensure that Dorchester area residents who want to work can work.
Here is what we've found in the current job market:
- Dorchester School: Dorchester Public School is looking for dynamic, energetic, hard-working individuals to fill the following positions for the upcoming school year: Food Service Supervisor (head cook) and Preschool Para (assists students under the direction of a teacher). If you or someone you know is interested, contact Daryl Schrunk, DPS Superintendent, at (402) 946-2781. Applications can be picked up at the school office or at DorchesterSchool.org.
- Indeed.com: Check out this site for current, full-time openings within 15 miles from the Dorchester area paying at least $25,000 a year in salary or wages.
- NE Works: This website, run by the Nebraska Labor Department, shows more than 100 job opportunities within 10 minutes of Dorchester, including many in Crete and Milford.
- Farmers Cooperative: Farmers Cooperative, headquartered in Dorchester, currently has multiple job openings, including the position of elevator operator in Dorchester. Nearby openings include Hallam, Daykin, Cordova and Exeter. Click here to see the openings.