Thursday Night is Wing Night at City Slickers: According to Tyser Auto Sales' Facebook account, Dorchester's auto dealer is helping put on this Thursday's (March 3) wing night at City Slickers. "Greg likes herb garlic. Becky likes sweet chili," the post reads. Tyser Auto Sales will have koozies, NASCAR calendars and more. Best wings around and $1 Busch Light draws, according to information online.
City Slickers Now Features Mega TV: The new and improved City Slickers has installed a 75" television in the new dining area. This is on top of all the other upgrades. For those wondering what this Saturday's specials are, get ready for prime rib, rib eye, flat iron, and steak and shrimp. These entrees include potato, garlic bread, and the new 12-foot salad bar. Regular menu also available. City Slickers' lunch hours are 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., while the grill is open for supper 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Dorchester School's Excellence Rally is March 18: DPS' Elementary Excellence Rally will be held Friday, March 18 at 3:15 p.m. in the gym. Parents, grandparents and members of the community are encouraged to help Dorchester's youth celebrate their scholastic achievements.
Dorchester Elementary Has Rock Star Readers: On Thursday, March 3, the annual Saline Co. Reading Competition will be held at the Crete Lutheran Church. Several Longhorns from Dorchester Elementary will be competing due to their strong reading abilities at a young age. From DPS' 3rd and 4th grade division will be Baylor Behrens, Angelina Cornejo, Isabella Cornejo, Lauren Corning, Lesli Kratochvil, Isaac Lanham, Andrea Pavlish, Ownen Vyhnalek, Quinn Kasl, Amber Kotas, Addison Lehr, Mackenzie Luzum, Dean Plouzek, Jacob Weber, Trinity Williamson and Atley Zoubek. Competing in the 5th and 6th grade division will be Jacob Cerny, Cassandra Cervantes, Kiarra Corning, Bayli Kratochvil and Madision Sherwood. Congratulations to these hard working Longhorns -- and good luck.