Sunday, August 31, 2014
Getting Rocked!
UPDATE: As of 10 p.m. Sunday night, another 1.15" had fallen on Dorchester. That makes more than 5" of rain since mid-week.
Late summer thunderstorms are rocking the Dorchester area and much of eastern Nebraska on this last day of August.
Up to another inch of precipitation is predicted over the next hour in Dorchester. Rainfall should cease around 6:45 or 7 p.m.
A tornado watch remains in effect until 9 p.m. A flood warning has been in effect for the Dorchester area for the past three days.
Stay up-to-date with Dorchester's weather and radar outlook by clicking here.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Flooding Hits Dorchester Area After Big Rains
The heavy rains of the past four or five days have resulted in significant flooding in our area. In fact, the Dorchester area remains in a flood warning.
The picture on this post is from a Times reader who sent us a glimpse of Turkey Creek near Pleasant Hill as it appeared Friday evening.
Turkey Creek has been out of its banks since Thursday morning.
Meanwhile, the National Weather Service tells us that the Big Blue River near Crete was at 22.6 ft. as of 10 a.m. this morning. That's 4.6 ft. above the flood stage of 18 ft.
The river will continue rising, likely above 23 ft., but it should fall below flood stage by Monday afternoon -- if there is no additional rainfall.
See what the weather forecasters are predicting for the Dorchester area by clicking here.
MHS-DHS Kicks Off Season With 27-6 Win

The Milford-Dorchester football team opened the high school season last night with a convincing victory against Louisville in a Class C-1 battle. The MHS-DHS squad won 27-6.
Milford-Dorchester is in its second season as a co-op, but this is the first year Dorchester students can play games on varsity.
The MHS-DHS Eagles are coming off a 3-6 season, but coaches and players believe momentum could swing their way in 2014. Last night, the team moved the ball with relative ease, while the defense showed it was much faster than last year's squad.
Milford-Dorchester returns an impressive 13 starters. One of them is tight end and linebacker Daniel Mitchell, who is a key contributor.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Dorchester Deluged: 72-Hour Rainfall Amounts In Saline County

UPDATE: Late August rain is quickly ensuring that our area of Nebraska will have a big, big surplus of yearly precipitation heading into autumn.
In parts of York County, they've received more than 10 in. over the past four nights. Most people there have stopped counting.
Here is a look at rainfall amounts in Saline County over the past 72 hours:
Dorchester (In Town) ................ Around 3.85"
Milford (5.9 miles SSE) .............. 3.20"
Dorchester (2.1 miles NW) ......... 2.60"
Dorchester (4.4 miles SSE) ......... 1.42"
Friend (3.4 miles E) ................. 2.21"
Friend (4.8 miles SSE) .............. 1.99"
Wilber (7.0 miles WSW) ............ 0.90"
Wilber (4.1 miles W) ................ 0.88"
Western (1.2 miles SE) .............. 0.90"
DeWitt (0.3 miles WNW) ........... 0.58"
Tobias (4.7 miles SSW) ............. 0.71"
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Dorchester Gets More Rain, But Avoids Huge Amounts So Far
Dorchester was drenched earlier today, but we've avoided the heavy soakers that have hit York county. One report, compiled by the NeRAIN reporting program, shows that the area just southwest of the communnity of York was deluged with nearly 6.5 inches.
See the York News-Times for images from that community.
In the meantime, rain and thunderstorms are supposed to resume around 5:30 p.m. tonight and continue off and on until tomorrow afternoon. Keep up on the weather by clicking here.
For the sake of record keeping, here is a list of rainfall totals from our region over the past 36 hours:
- York, 0.6 mile SW -- 6.42"
- York, 1.0 mile ESE -- 5.01"
- Hampton, 2.6 miles ESE -- 2.41"
- Henderson, 3.4 miles ENE -- 2.39"
- McCool Junction, 1.1 miles ENE -- 1.62"
- Seward, 4.7 miles NE -- 1.28"
- Dorchester, 2.1 miles NW -- 0.46"
- Friend, 3.4 miles E -- 0.15"
Dealing With Negative People In A Small Community

Every small community has its handful of negative residents. In a small town, most everyone knows who those negative people are. (Social media even makes it easier to spot them these days.)
These are the folks who can spot flaws in the best of situations. They are the ones who like to air their negativity publicly. They typically believe that nobody can or could do the job better than them, if ever they were to actually help around town.
Obviously, no one can be happy all the time; no one who isn't on some type of drug can keep a permanent smile on their face. Yet, putting up with constant negativity is, at best, draining. And at worst, it's a morale killer that negatively affects the attitudes and efforts of fellow residents.
Here are our five strategies we've devised for dealing with negative people in and around a small town:
1.) Don’t write off the negativity. It’s easy to dismiss negative attitudes and comments with remarks like, “That’s just the way she is.” But sometimes, negative people are pointing out very real problems and legitimate concerns that can and must be addressed. Town leaders, school administrators and group organizers need to take into consideration all serious comments and complaints, even if from the consistently-negative crowd.
2.) Consider the circumstances. If an always-negative resident is coping with a personal matter that is affecting his/her behavior, be sympathetic. In a small town, we often hear what other people said, but we don't know the circumstances that may have prompted the comments. The truth is, those constantly negative people probably have a big void somewhere in their lives. (This happens in the big cities just as often, if not more. The Negative Nancys simply aren't as visible there.)
3.) Make Negative Nancy part of the solution. Sometimes, community leaders simply need to let those who are constantly negative know that their concerns are being heard -- and that it would make more sense for them to tell someone who can do something about it, instead of airing their negative comments for all to hear (or read). Establishing a special committee and offering a committee spot to the negative person would put the burden on Mr./Ms. Negative to be part of the solution.
4.) Be rational in your approach. Negativity is mostly emotional. Don't combat emotion with more emotion; combat negativity with facts. For example, if someone is constantly saying the cost-of-living is too high in Dorchester, show them Dorchester has the lowest school levy in Saline County; show them that Nebraska, overall, is one of the very least expensive states in which to reside.
5.) Know when to say goodbye. We realize our words aren't so powerful that we can change personalities. Let's all work to bring the negative personalities around by making them part of the solution. But at the end of the day, in a small town -- just like a big city -- some people only want to complain and wear a constant frown. Perhaps they feel isolated or can't see it's their own attitude acting as an impediment to making their own community a bit better. For these people, it's best to leave them alone and not give them a platform.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Report: Farmland Foods Cracks Down On Illegal Workers, Finally

We were shocked to read that this past week, a Democrat state representative in next door Iowa, who happens to also be running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, said if the underage migrants who have come to the U.S. from Central America aren’t given a “pathway for citizenship” they could become terrorists. The candidate, Pat Murphy, said if illegal immigrants aren't provided benefits from taxpayers today, "they’ll be terrorists a generation from now."
If that's the case, we have a problem in every corner of America -- especially meatpacking towns like Crete -- since America's political leaders have shamefully turned a blind eye to immigration enforcement and border security.
We have often wondered how many people in our own county are here illegally -- or "without documentation," as some would want us to say. (The Times is on record as a longtime critic of our nation's poor enforcement of immigration across our southern border.)
At last check, unofficial census counts estimate the city of Crete is about 40-45% Hispanic or other minority. That is a staggering (dare we say unhealthy?) rate of change experienced by Saline County's largest community over just 15 years. We've been told by a Crete leader of respected stature that he estimates that as much as 35%-40% of Crete's Hispanic population is here illegally.
Recently, the Times was informed that Farmland Foods of Crete, owned by Shuanghui International Holdings of China, has cracked down on employment of those who cannot prove they are in the country legally. According to inside reports, the new enforcement guidelines were implemented earlier this summer. As soon as they were, more than 200 employees walked off the job, presumably because they are in the country illegally.
Those 200 are now "lurking in the shadows," as some politicians have said.
We wonder when other businesses and entities -- such as landlords, school administrators, realtors, social welfare organizations receiving state dollars -- catering to individuals who are "without documentation" will step up and demand to see proof of citizenship? Even if they aren't required to, don't they have an obligation to inform their fellow residents and taxpayers?
Monday, August 25, 2014
Leonard & Jan Stehlik Celebrate 60 Years

Sixty years ago. Seems like just yesterday.
Actually, it was 525,600 minutes ago.
And that's when Leonard and Jan (Jeanette Selk) Stehlik of Dorchester were getting married.
Other notable events of 1954 were:
- Jerry Seinfeld, the comedian, is born.
- The first issue of Sports Illustrated magazine is published in the United States.
- The Miss America Pageant is broadcast on television for the first time.
- Bill Haley & His Comets record "Rock Around the Clock", thus starting the rock and roll craze.
- The words "under God" are added to the United States Pledge of Allegiance.
- And RCA manufactures the first color television set (12-inch screen; price: $1,000).
Cards may be sent to 1479 County Road C, Dorchester, NE 68343.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Ladies: Spots Still Open For Outdoors Program
The Dorchester area has its share of females who enjoy the great outdoors -- whether it's hunting or camping, boating or hiking. The good news is that space is still available for a retreat that teaches women skills they can use in the outdoors.
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission says the annual Becoming and Outdoors-Woman program runs from Oct. 3-5 at the national forest near Halsey. The BOW program is intended to help women become active in hunting, camping, boating, hiking and fishing.
Anyone who is at least 18 years old can register to learn skills in a friendly, non-intimidating environment. Additional information and registration forms are available online at
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
CRC Elite B-Ball Team Features Two Longhorns

The Dorchester basketball program has a long, proud history and the story continues.
The Crossroads Conference Elite Club basketball program recently concluded its third summer of competition.
This year's CRC all-stars squad featured two players from Dorchester, current senior Corey Bird and 2014 DHS graduate Riley Zahourek.
The all-star team is made up of players from the Crossroads Conference schools and in 2014 had one team competing in the 8th grade division and two teams competing in the 11th and 12th grade division, while traveling to Omaha and Lincoln, as well as Kansas City, Hutchinson and Newton, Kan.
Highlighting the summer was a first place finish in Kansas City and runner-up finishes in both Lincoln and Omaha.
Coaches were Dade McDonald from McCool Junction, Jon Mierau from Lincoln, Dan Hayes from Osceola and Chris Callan from Waverly.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Dorchester Receives 0.70" Of Rain Sunday Evening

Last night's showers were spotty. In fact, they were some of the spottiest rainfalls to hit our area this year.
Fortunately for Dorchester's yards, gardens and area crops, the village received around 0.70" in most rain gauges.
But not all communities in Saline County were as lucky as Dorchester.
Here's a look at some of the official precipitation reports from around our area:
Friend: (3.4 miles east) ................... 0.76"
Western (4.4 NNE) ......................... 0.20"
Wilber (7.0 WSW) ......................... 0.20"
Tobias (1.8 E) .............................. 0.20"
Western (1.2 SE) .......................... 0.18"
Tobias (4.7 SSW) .......................... 0.00"
Dorchester (2.1 NW) ...................... 0.00"
Meanwhile, further west in Nebraska, powerful storm winds knocked down power lines and trees as hail pounded crops and buildings. At least one person was reported injured Sunday by hail in northwest Nebraska's Sheridan County. Large hail was reported in adjacent Cherry County as well.
A gust of 83 mph was recorded by the National Weather Service in Hastings. The overnight storms caused power outages in Garfield County and in Hastings and Grand Island.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Saline Co. Drug & Alcohol Prevention Coalition Meets Aug. 25 In Wilber
The alcohol makers and pro-drug crowd won't like us for reporting this, but the facts are the facts.
Since the overall economy hit troubled times six years ago, America's use of drugs and alcohol has skyrocketed and been largely ignored by political leaders.
A 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 23.9 million Americans (nearly 10% of the population) aged 12 or older were current illicit drug users, meaning they had used an illicit drug during the month prior to the survey interview. Daily or almost daily use of marijuana (used on 20 or more days in the past month) increased from 5.1 million persons in 2007 to 7.6 million persons in 2012. The number of past year heroin users increased between 2007 (373,000) and 2012 (669,000). Among youths aged 12 to 17, the current illicit drug use rate was 10.1%.
Meanwhile, nearly one quarter (23.0%) of persons aged 12 or older were binge alcohol users in the past 30 days. This translates to about 59.7 million people. Among young adults aged 18 to 25 in 2012, the rate of binge drinking was 39.5%, and the rate of heavy drinking was 12.7%. The rate of current alcohol use among youths aged 12 to 17 was 12.9% in 2012. An estimated 9.3 million underage persons (aged 12 to 20) were current drinkers, including 5.9 million binge drinkers and 1.7 million heavy drinkers. Among current underage drinkers, 36.6% got it from an unrelated person aged 21 or older, 23.0% got it from a parent, guardian, or other adult family member, and 18.8% got it from another person younger than 21 years old.
If you would like to help stem the tide against the growing dependence on drugs and alcohol, you can attend the next meeting of the Saline County Drug & Alcohol Prevention Coalition -- scheduled for Monday, August 25, 2014, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Saline County Extension office, 306 W. 3rd St. in Wilber.
All county residents are encouraged to be a part of the prevention discussion and efforts. If you have questions or would like additional information, contact Tim at (402) 821-3581.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Become A DHS Booster Club Member Today
The first meeting of the Dorchester Booster Club will be held tomorrow, Aug. 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria.
The meeting is open to everyone. Dorchester Times readers are urged to join the Longhorn Booster Club today.
You'll be surprised what a small donation can do. The DHS Booster Club makes the participation of all activities for our students an enjoyable experience.
From the purchase of new athletic equipment, to sponsorship of the annual homecoming pep rally, to paying Nebraska Coaches Association fees for DHS coaches, to buying meals for DHS athletes and coaches that qualify for state competition, these funds truly help carry on Longhorn pride.
Become a Longhorn Booster Club member today. Call DPS Athletics Director Brent Zoubek at (402) 946-2781 for details.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Hansens Celebrate 60 Years Of Marriage
What was happening back in the summer of 1954?
Bill Haley and His Comets were singing: "Shake, Rattle And Roll."
Dean Martin was crooning "That's Amore."
Americans were celebrating a robust economy, with U.S. unemployment under 3%.
The New York Stock Exchange reached its highest levels since 1929.
The cost of a stamp was 3 cents.
Dr. Jonas Salk had started inoculating schoolchildren with his polio vaccine. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that race-based segregation in schools is unconstitutional.
And Wayne and Velma Hansen were getting married on July 25, 1954, right here in Dorchester.
A couple of weeks ago, they celebrated their 60th anniversary with a family dinner.
It's not too late to congratulate them on this milestone in marriage. Send your best wishes to Wayne and Velma at: 287 State Highway 15, Dorchester, NE 68343.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Serious Accident Near Dorchester Sends Six To Hospital

Earlier this evening, around 5 p.m., a serious accident two miles east of Dorchester shut down Highway 33 for a lengthy period of time.
UPDATE: 10/11 News covered the story. The Lincoln TV station reports that a two-car accident on Highway 33 sent six people to the hospital and shut down a section of the highway for almost two hours Saturday night.
The Dorchester Volunteer Fire and Rescue Dept. assistant fire chief says an SUV carrying a family of five was going east, while the car involved was traveling west on Highway 33. He says the accident trapped the person in the car under the dashboard.
It took fire crews from Friend, Crete and Dorchester nearly 30 minutes to get the person out. The car's driver was taken directly to Bryan West Trauma. The Assistant Fire Chief says the injuries were critical, but not life threatening.
He says the five people in the SUV had minor injuries.
Editorial comment: This is another testament of the hard work and sacrifices made by volunteers at our local fire and rescue departments. Thanks to those from the DVFD, as well as Friend and Crete departments who helped at the scene today.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Milford Fun Days Are Aug. 15-17
It's still summer and there's still summer fun planned in our area.
Take a quick drive up to Milford next weekend and enjoy any one of the numerous activities during Milford Fun Days.
The Aug. 15-17 celebration features inflatable games and a family street dance on Friday night; a fun run, petting zoo, volleyball tournament, rock climbing; bike rodeo; pulled pork picnic, parade and fireworks on Saturday; and a family adventure race on Sunday.
To see the entire lineup of fun events at Milford Fun Days, click here.
Or check out the Website by clicking here.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
DHS Alum Dan Hohensee To Lead $25M Career Academy In Lincoln

Occasionally, this blog features DHS alumni who are making, or have made, their mark in the world.
Today, we spotlight Dan Hohensee, DHS native and graduate of the Longhorns' Class of 1978.
Most folks in Dorchester knew Dan was destined for big things, even back in the mid- to late-1970s. Dan was a leader throughout his days at DHS, from yearbook editor to a standout in football, basketball, baseball, track, school plays, and swing choir.
He was a good student and valedictorian of his 1978 graduating class -- one of the largest DHS has ever produced at 33 students.
Dan beat out two high school principles and a professor at Auburn University for this job. No small task.
At age 54, Hohensee has been a rising star within LPS for sometime -- as a math instructor for 22 years, then as a leader on teaching entrepreneurship.
LPS Superintendent Steve Joel calls Hohensee engaging, dynamic and energetic. According to the Lincoln paper, one of the things Hohensee said he'll bring to his new job is knowing how important real-world experiences are to igniting passion, giving students purpose and motivating them to succeed.
The Journal Star noted: "Hohensee understands the satisfaction of working with his hands. Starting in high school, Hohensee helped his family build five homes."
We at the Dorchester Times tip our Longhorn hat to Dan, director of Lincoln's new career academy and one of the more notable DHS alums.
Job well done!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Enroll Your 3- Or 4-Year Old In Dorchester Preschool Now

Did you know that 46% of Nebraska's kindergarten teachers say that half of their students are not prepared to learn in the classroom?
Did you know that much of a child's most critical learning occurs in the first five years of his or her life? In fact, as much as 90% of the brain's core structure is formed by age 5.
Based on several socio-economic factors, it's estimated that 41% Nebraska kids ages 0-5 are at risk of failing in school, as society evolves and becomes less family friendly. In Saline County, that number is 53%.
What can you do about it?
One solution is to enroll your child in Dorchester Preschool, which is now taking applications for enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year.
Dorchester Preschool is open to all children who will have reached age 3 by Sept. 1 -- and for kids 4 years old who plan to attend kindergarten next fall.
The preschool classes are held three days a week: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
The 3-year-old morning class will start the same time as K-12 (at 8:10 a.m.) and dismiss at 11:15 a.m.
The 4-year-old class (those who will be in kindergarten next year) is in the afternoon, beginning at 12:30 p.m. and dismissing at the end of K-12 school day.
To enroll, call the Dorchester Preschool director, Doris Broz-Clauss, at (402) 946-2066 -- or at her home at (402) 821-2547.
Let's make sure all Dorchester kids succeed -- now and in the future.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Dorchester Demographics: A Look At Our Town By The Numbers
It has been a while since we examined the demographics of Dorchester, so today we are
doing exactly that.
In short, we can tell you this: girls outnumber the guys, and Dorchester's average age is considerable younger than that of the state, overall -- which is a good thing.
According to U.S. Census bureau statistics, Dorchester's population in 2012 fell to 594. That's the first time in several decades that our community has fallen below the 600 mark.
Of the 594 residing in Dorchester, 45.7% (or 271) were male, while 54.3% (323) were female.
At the same time, Dorchester's population has become younger. The median resident age here in Dorchester is 35.5 years, versus the much older median age statewide, which is 42.2 years.
Of the 235 households in Dorchester, 71.2% contain families. (No, dogs and cats don't count, and they still can't vote.) That's higher than the rest of the state's households, of which 64.8% are family households.
Fewer in Dorchester are "shacking up," since 5.6% of households in Dorchester are comprised of unmarried partners. Statewide, the average is 6.0%.
The median household income in Dorchester in 2012 was $44,116 -- up from $34,000 in 2000. That does fall a bit short of Nebraska's median household income of $50,723, but recall that Dorchester's median home price is roughly $45,000 less than the state's overal median home price. In fact, according to the March 2012 cost of living index, Dorchester's cost of living is 75.9 on the index, which is much lower than the U.S. average of 100.
When examining the ethnic composition of Dorchester, here is the breakdown according to the Census:
- White alone - 515 (87.9%)
- Hispanic - 57 (9.7%)
- Black alone - 6 (1.0%)
- Two or more races - 6 (1.0%)
- American Indian alone - 1 (0.2%)
- Asian alone - 1 (0.2%)
Monday, August 4, 2014
Lincoln Tackling Neglected Properties

Last week, this blog looked at some ideas from fellow residents to address unkempt properties in town.
We aren't the only community in the area looking for solutions.
Today, the Lincoln Journal Star reports on a proposed ordinance going before the Lincoln City Council. (The story includes accompanying photos of several neglected houses.)
The Lincoln ordinance allows city inspectors to declare a vacant house a "neglected building" if it meets one of several conditions. Then the owner would have to register the building with the city, at $500 for 90 days, and have a plan for rehabbing it.
If the house isn’t safe to live in within 90 days, the owner has to pay another $500 registration fee. If the owner fails to register it, the city will -- creating a $500 registration fee and a $500 civil penalty for failure to register every 90 days. Thus the owner could accumulate $1,000 in fines and civil penalties every 90 days, up to a maximum of $4,000 a year.
Lincoln officials took ideas for Lincoln's ordinance from half a dozen other communities.
Since the Lincoln ordinance has been carefully reviewed by attorneys to be certain it is compliant with state law, it obviously passes the smell test. Dorchester leaders might want to consider such an ordinance for our own town.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Update: Dorchester's Latest Construction Boom

For those of you who say nothing ever changes in Dorchester, the summer of 2014 will be one to remember.
Our community of Dorchester is experiencing another construction boom, generating lots of economic activity for our village.
In total, an estimated $3 million of new commercial construction is coming (or has come) to town.
That does not include the hundreds of thousands of dollars (perhaps more than $1 million) of home renovations that are occurring right now due to storm damage from earlier this summer.
Not bad for a town of 600 residents.
Dorchester's Farmers Cooperative -- one of Nebraska's largest agribusinesses -- is currently breaking ground preparing for an massive expansion of its office headquarters. Moreover, another new, giant silo has started to go up.
This eighth additional silo will complement the original co-op elevator.
The last new silo was completed in 2010.

Meanwhile, the Nebraska Department of Roads has substantially expanded its Dorchester office facility, located just west of the co-op and its newer silos. The expansion doubled the size of the Department of Roads facilities here in town.
And more construction by the Roads Department appears to be in the works, since the Village of Dorchester has posted a zoning notice on the property west of the DOR office building.

A new agribusiness is being completed on the south end of Dorchester, improving the appearance of Dorchester for those traveling Highway 33.
According to reports, this business will provide seed and fertilizer to area farmers. This marks the first business facility to locate in the south side of Dorchester, at least in modern era.
We've also noticed other expansions around town, such such as ongoing improvement to Barley Specialties. We commend L.J. and all the work he has done to invest in his Dorchester business. He has proved that a small business can be successful in Dorchester.

We have also noticed several homeowners improving their historic homes.
We commend property owners like Julie and Joe Holly, who have boosted Dorchester pride by improving some of our town's most nostalgic and elegant homes.
Since 2008, Dorchester has seen such a fury of new construction -- a new picnic shelter at the city park (thanks to the Community Foundation and its leaders); a new K-12 school and campus renovation (thanks to the district voters and taxpayers); a new concessions shack and restroom facility at Nerud Field (thanks to several volunteers and community leaders); a new water tower and new wells (thanks again to our taxpayers); and several building improvements.
Friday, August 1, 2014
DHS Grad, Former Resident Brad June Passes At 56
Former Dorchester resident and 1976 DHS graduate Bradley Dean June, 56 years of age, of Concordia, Kan., and formerly of Pilger, Neb., passed away peacefully surrounded by family on Monday, July 28, 2014 in Concordia. He was born on May 31, 1958 in Concordia to Boyd “Toby” and Patricia (Cassel) June.
UPDATE: The June family is having an open house to celebrate and remember the life Brad June on this afternoon and evening, August 1, from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. at the Dorchester Community Building. Please join the family in remembering good times and treasured memories.
Brad graduated in 1976 from Dorchester High School in Dorchester, Nebraska. He loved agronomy and worked at several different co-ops in both Nebraska and South Dakota. Brad’s favorite time of year at work was during the spring/planting season when he put in many hours in the field. He married Brenda Fees on March 6, 2012 in Stanton, Nebraska. Recently, Brad showed his strength once again as he survived the direct hit from the tornado that hit Pilger, Neb. on June 16, 2014. Brad enjoyed fishing, riding his Harley, his dogs, and especially spending time with his grandchildren.
Brad is survived by his wife, Brenda; four children, Josh June and wife Becky of Milford, Sarah June of Lincoln, Spencer June and wife B.J., Hannah June, both of Dorchester; five step-children, Brendon Hauder of Lincoln, Breanna Zavalaga and husband G.C. of Vista, California, Brandel Hauder and wife Taylor of Milford, Broderick Hauder of Pleasant Hill, Brittani Hauder and fiancé Richard of Lincoln; seven grandchildren; mother, Patricia June of Concordia; two brothers, Brian June and wife Lynette of Columbus, Jason June and wife Jody of Malmo; 2 sisters, Cindi Etten and husband John of Fort Collins, Colorado, Laurie Heise and husband Tim of Lincoln; and several nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his father, Boyd “Toby” June on May 20, 2007.
Private Memorial Services will be held at a later date. There will be no visitation. Memorials are suggested to the American Cancer Society in care of the funeral home. Chaput-Buoy Funeral Home in Concordia is in charge of arrangements.
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