With only a few days until the 1927 Dorchester school building is torn down, the school cornerstone has been prepared to be opened. From our examination, it appears unlikely anything is behind the cornerstone or its foundation.
As seen by those who attended today's school auction, the face of the cornerstone -- put in place some 81 years ago -- was removed this week. (Update: 5/10, 6 p.m.) According to reports, the cornerstone face was carefully removed and will be preserved.
Last year, we posed the question: Does Dorchester have its own 'National Treasure'? That 2004 movie revolved around a treasure hidden by the country's Founding Fathers, many of whom were Freemasons.

According to longtime resident Don Eret, the June 2, 1927 edition of The Dorchester Star contained the following notice: "The Grand Lodge of Nebraska Ancient Free and Accepted Masons will lay the corner stone of our new school house next Friday afternoon at 2:00 pm, June third. Everybody welcome."
Eret also reports that page 3 of the June 9, 1927 edition of The Dorchester Star reported:
The cornerstone of Dorchester’s new school building was laid last Friday afternoon by the officers of AM Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Nebraska. Most worshipful Grand Master Edwin D. Critan of Chardron conducting the ceremony, assisted by a large number of Masons from neighboring lodges and Doric Lodge No. 118 of Dorchester.
Eret said last fall that he doubted there is anything inside the cornerstone, while some other longtime residents said they thought chances were good the cornerstone held items from the 1920s.
So...From the picture, it appears there was nothing in the corner stone. Don't worry, folks. In 10 or 15 years there will be stories about the incredible treasures that were found there. That's how things work. Sort of like when you go back to an alumni gathering and all the people who ignored or hated you tell you what a great person you were and how much they liked you. By the way, did anyone ever dig up the "time capsule" that was burried about half way between the building and the sidewalk, under a tree that isn't there anymore, a little west of the cornerstone in 1971?
ReplyDeleteWhen's the wrecking ball supposed to hit the place. I want to be there to see it!
ReplyDeleteThe face of the cornerstone was not demolished. After much hard work it was slid out of it's resting place and put on a cart on Thursday afternoon.
ReplyDeleteWill someone let us know a few days ahead of time, the time and date of the razing of the old school? Thanks in advance.