Next School Board Meeting Is Feb. 6: Do you have an issue you want to discuss with the Dorchester School Board? Your next chance is Monday, Feb. 6, at 7 p.m. at the school. This year's board members are Matt Hansen, Mike Hatfield, Neal Pavlish, Carol Schnell, Kelli Schweitzer, and Steve Vyhnalek.
DHS Parents' Night Is Feb. 3: DHS Parents' Night is set for Friday, Feb. 3. The parents of DHS' basketball and wrestlers will be honored at the conclusion of the DHS vs. Giltner varsity game, which starts at 6 p.m.
Crete's Growing Police Force: Does a large influx of immigrants in a short time cause the crime rate to rise? The major media tell us no -- and to quit being xenophobic for raising the question. But in Crete, they've had to add two more new police officers, bring the city's total to 14 sworn officers, which is being paid for by an increase in the city's sales tax. We can remember when there were six or eight police officers in Crete not that long ago. However, in the Jan. 25 issue of The Crete News, the weekly crime record took up four columns, with crimes ranging from driving with no insurance or license, to speeding, to disturbing the peace, to possession of K2 or marijuana. That's not our opinion; those are the facts.