Saturday, July 22, 2023

Nebraska's U.S. Senators, Congressmen Visit Dorchester

In an update on consideration of the new federal farm bill -- which provides hundreds of millions of dollars for food programs, as well as farmer incentives and producer safety net programs -- U.S. Rep. Adrian Smith reports Nebraska's congressional delegation recently visited Dorchester's Weber Feedyards.

"The delegation started our day of listening sessions at Weber Feedyards in Dorchester, joined by representatives from the Nebraska Cattlemen," Smith writes. "There, we examined challenges faced by the beef industry – including the need to address our country’s workforce shortage. While Nebraska currently leads the nation with our low unemployment rate, the civilian workforce participation rate is a more accurate representation of the strength of our workforce. 

"This shows we must incentivize and encourage opportunity for the workers currently on the sidelines of our economy to take advantage of good job openings across the state."

Read the congressman's full report.


  1. If you end the food stamp giveaway, you'll see a 100% jump in new workers added to the economy. Quit being dumb, Washington DC!

  2. ...........once again vil has proved why he failed 8th grade math ......................... for 8 straight years ............................ hundreds of millions of $$$$$$ should read hundreds of billions of $$$$$ ........................................................ more farm lobbyists in DC than cow pies in my pasture of extra fiber bluestem and indian grass ......................................



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